The Eskies Release New Single ‘Fever’ 4th April and Play The Button Factory
The Eskies
Release their brand new single ‘Fever’ on 4th April &
Are to put on a display in Dublin’s Button Factory the very same day!
Having been cast out, blacklisted, rejected and ejected from gentlemen’s clubs far and wide, five dejected cast asides joined forces in what was to be their own celebration of commonality.
Purveyors of music that meanders from sea soaked waltz to Italian tarantella, from Brassy funeral march-esque lament to weep along Klezmar knees up, from chain gang holler to rag time finger snap. Skipping through the dark side of anything that makes you want to dance, steeped in melodrama and usually with not a small amount of tongue in cheek.
The Eskies have brought this unique brand of folk noir/gypsy jazz/sea shanty and swaggering stage spectacle to ballrooms and booze houses the length and breadth of the country. Sullying soirees and lowering inhibitions of get-togethers and social occasions wherever they have ventured.
Although the plucky quintet fall more naturally into the guise of boisterous guests as opposed to gracious hosts, they do occasionally throw their own recital or musicale and on the 4th of April they will once again be doing just that.
To mark the release of their debut single ‘Fever’ (due for release on the same day) The Eskies will be taking to the stage at Temple Bar’s Button Factory along with some esteemed guests in the form of the enrapturing ‘Mongoose’ and the swashbuckling ‘Rocher’.
The evenings gracious hosts are seldom known to deliver anything short of a spectacle and the 4th of April will be no exception with plans to turn the venue into a miniature carnival for the night with Gentleman’s dress code (as ever) strongly advised with prizes going to the best dressed.
There will be dancing, there will be singing, and there will be screaming. Up The Parish!
You can purchase tickets for The Button Factory spectacle here – www.theeskies.com/tickets.html
Friday 4 April – The Button Factory, Curved Street, Temple Bar, Dublin 2 – www.buttonfactory.ie